Monday, August 25, 2008

The One Thing That's Better Than Chocolate!

So what on this earth could possibley be better than chocolate, I hear you asking yourself. I too, at times, ask myself the exact same question. The one thing I come up with each time unequivocally is 80's music. I hear you saying WHAT!!!! 80's music! YES, I declare - 80's music.

I recall in high school, my friends telling me that I should have been a teenager during the 80's so that I could have fully appreciated the styles and music. I must admit that the clothing and hair styles of the 80's left something to be desired - to say the least. But the could you ever turn off Def Lepard, Bon Jovi (Jana, that's for you!), GnR, Bangles, Michael Jackson (classic Michael....gottta love it). Don't forget Milli Vanilli, a-Ha, Cindy Lauper, Depeche Mode, Duran Duran, Foreigner. I could go on forever. If I could have satellite radio - it would be all 80's station all day long. I have one person to whom I can thank for my ........ taste in music. I will give all the credit to my big brother, Mitch. He would rock out to his Def Lepard, GnR, ACDC. That's where it all began.

Anyways, tribute to the 80's is my playlist. I will make my own 80's radio! Of course, there will be some early 90's as well. What is sad is, while listening to this, I remember the dances we made up, or the dances we memorized from watching the music videos. Oh, and I do remember my hair. Nothing like a little New Kids on the Block obsession. We will just hide those pictures! I think I have a story for each song. The soundtrack to my life. My playlist will be a work in progress. So check back often for more classic 80's tunes.


Susanne said...

k so you figured out the music thing i see. your blogis officially my favorite. I have i tunes radio stations on most of the time and guesswhat it's on the 80's or when i have my dish hooked up throught the winter duringthe days 80's. People who dont think that its classic are crazy!
We are more alike than you think eh?

Janas Bananas said...

I am glad Mitch could give you such inspiration on such important things in life...he is grrrreeat!! Good tunes though I will say!