The other day, I was busy feeding Ainsley and doing about 100 other things. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Rebeckah run into the other room with markers in her hand. At the time, I didn't think too much about it - I did think to myself.....hmm, what is she up to....maybe I should check on her. Of course, I didn't. I kept on doing the things I was doing. A few minutes later she came running back into the dining room and yelled out.."Look Mommy, I'm a witch!" She was very excited about her coloring. After shaking my head and muttering a few words of frustration, I got up and got the camera. After I snapped a couple still shots, she broke out in song and dance. I hestitated for few moments because Rebeckah is usually quite camera shy and if she is doing something that is very "Rebeckahish" she will stop if the camera is anywhere nearby. Well, she hammed it up for me! She is the funniest child I have ever met. This one will definately be used for black mail, embarrassment and/or wedding fun!
Peace out!
She really is the funniest kid!! But ...YOu always ALWAYS follow the 3 year old with the good can ever come of that, expecially when her name is Rebeka!!!!!! lol
hahahah hahah !!! That is so FUNNY. Is she doing a movie or her own version of something?
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